I’m Glad That You’re Alive

After a long pause, he said with some difficulty, "I'm glad you're alive."

Tang Wulin gritted his teeth. He withheld his tears. "Everyone's here. It's truly wonderful."

Wu Zhangkong nodded his head lightly. "Follow me." He strode toward the deeper parts of the cavern.

Tang Wulin followed him, but Xu Yucheng did not. He stood where he was as he looked at Tang Wulin leaving with Wu Zhangkong. He sighed in his heart. He understood that no matter how hard he worked, he would never be as good as Tang Wulin in Teacher Wu's heart. It was not merely due to Tang Wulin's outstanding qualities, but the fact they had more than just a student-teacher relationship.

Wu Zhangkong had personally recruited Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, Xu Xiaoyan, and Gu Yue into Shrek Academy back then. At the same time, they had also proven they were the best with their own abilities.