One Strike of Storing Force

The scene where thousands of dragons were worshipping in unison was too shocking. The clamor surged and filled the entire gymnasium that was five hundred meters in diameter. Long Yeyue was not the only person feeling the pressure from confronting Tang Wulin, even the inner court disciples who were not involved in the competition and only stayed outside the protective shield were all feeling their bloodlines fluctuating as dread filled their hearts.

There were very few ordinary soul masters bestowed with dragon-type bloodlines, but the Shrek Academy's inner court was once the gathering ground for the most powerful youngsters of the generation. So there was quite a number of inner court disciples that had a dragon-type bloodline. Every one of them could feel the dread that came from the depth of their hearts as they listened to the sound of the dragons chanting in unison. They felt like they should join in and worship Tang Wulin.