Crying Bitterly

Xie Xie was the first one to walk out. "I'd like to see just what it is about this Tang Sect's secret stronghold that can make me cry…"

He was mid-sentence when he had to hold back his sobs and immediately stopped in his tracks. It was as if his entire person had frozen in place.

Yuanen Yehui followed behind him. Because she was shorter than Xie Xie, she could not see what was happening in front of him. However, with her understanding of Xie Xie, she instinctively felt that something had happened. She quickly sidestepped and went to Xie Xie's side.

At that moment, Xie Xie's forlorn wail was heard, "Teacher Wu…" Then, he ran forward like lightning.

His white clothes flapped and his blue hair flowed in the wind. His expression was as ice-cold as ever, but his eyes were so gentle.

He had been waiting silently all this time for their return. He just stood there, not making a sound.