A Walk Down King’s Path!

He had no choice but to once again unleash his Golden Dragon Domineering Body. Fortunately, he had the energy absorbed by Devour Heaven and Earth. He was simultaneously fighting against three people. Tang Wulin was steadily losing his ground, but he finally managed to hold them back.

Throughout this brief process of exchanging blows, he had made some judgments in his heart. The first thing he could be sure of was that Xu Xiaoyan should not be able to unleash another controlling skill after she unleashed this domain soul skill of hers. At least, he had found a lease of life.

Secondly, A Ruheng and Sima Jinchi should have been confused by now. He had no idea where they were. This was his greatest problem. He had no assistants while his companions were wearing their battle armors. He would not even stand a chance!

Tang Wulin felt helpless. However, what good would feeling helpless do?

He must break out of this domain!