Arrival At Skysea City

There was no doubt that ever since the Shrek Seven Monsters' return from their military enlistment, everyone had advanced in both their mentalities and capabilities. Even the Light Dark Douluo Long Yeyue was gasping in admiration at the overall ability of the entire squadron. 

In Long Yeyue's point of view, even though not everyone from this generation of Shrek Seven Monsters would necessarily become a Limit Douluo, they definitely had the ability to become four-word battle armor masters. 

If Shrek Academy had seven four-word battle armor masters, it would naturally be less difficult to revive the academy in the future. 

The secret rebuilding of Shrek Academy entered a quiet period in the following days. 

Wu Siduo and the rest of her group were already sent away with Wu Zhangkong taking them to the Demon Island personally. Tang Wulin and his group of seven could only sympathize with the trials ahead of them.