
"We're here." The taxi stopped. The driver looked at the young couple through the rearview mirror.

The girl was remarkably beautiful. She had a heroic air about her, unlike a beach girl. She seemed somewhat aloof. Compared to her, the young man had average looks. His eyes were his only outstanding features.

Long Yuxue paid the driver while Tang Wulin got off the taxi before her. The sea lay before him. It had no boundaries, seemingly.

Long Yuxue got down the taxi on the other side. She walked over to his side.

Just then, the driver poked his head out from the window. "Young man, you should take the initiative after a quarrel. You must know how to treat your woman right, you know. Haha!" The driver then hit the gas and sped off into the distance with a whoosh.

Tang Wulin was stunned. He turned to look at Long Yuxue.