Amorous Love Loathes Itself For Wrongly Devoting Love For The Heartless Domain

However, due to the existence of these two soul skills, almost no other powerhouse of the same age would spar against him willingly. 

The Dark Phoenix Douluo received the attack gracefully. The most terrifying part was not her Phoenix Perish being taken, but that her domain was returned to its dormant state from a moment ago. 

The evil soul masters that had just regained a little mobility sank into the mud once again in an instant. 

The deep affection in the Amorous Douluo's eyes suddenly turned into despair. The third soul ring on his body shimmered with brilliance. His gaze looked like he had just lost the most precious thing to him and could never get it back. The glistening radiance spread outward like countless teardrops covering the entire scene in an instant. 

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" There was a series of muffled explosions. Skulls were exploding into pieces, with buckets of blood splattering in all directions.