Power Saber’s Triumph

She appeared to be making small talk, but she had no time to spare. The Amorous Douluo had regained control over the Darkness Phoenix once again in spite of her earlier success in struggling free from the Amorous Love Loathes Itself For Wrongly Devoting Love For The Heartless Domain. Let alone rescue the Darkness Phoenix, it would be difficult for the Darkness Bell to escape if the Amorous Douluo managed to capture the Darkness Phoenix. 

Tang Wulin felt a chill in his heart for the woman was old, yet she still addressed him in such a manner. 

The dark green bell's radiance enlarged. Tang Wulin saw a soul ring shimmering with radiance vaguely within the thick fog that arose from Na Nali's body. Soon after, a crisp hum was heard emanating from the bell on top of her head. 

"Ding, ding, ding, ding…"