An Offence Against Decency!

However, he did not open his mouth. This was because he knew very well that if he started speaking, it would become very easy for her to control the rhythm. All he could do now was wait and simultaneously search for an opportunity.

The Darkness Bell smiled. "Don't you plan on saying anything? How about this, we'll play a game from now on. I'll ask the questions and you'll answer them. If you don't answer me, I'll kill a person. Who do you think should I kill first?"

She raised a hand as she talked and pointed at the passengers around them. Her face had a smile on it. She was very beautiful, hence when the male passengers saw her smile, they could not help but be dazzled.

"What's your name?" A surge of gentle energy wrapped itself around Darkness Bell's fingertip.

"Blood Dragon." Tang Wulin had no choice but to open his mouth. There was no way he could idly sit by as she killed the people before him.