Qiangu Zhangting

The man capable of blasting the Darkness Bell apart was indeed the current Pagoda Master of the Spirit Pagoda, Qiangu Dongfeng. 

If Tang Wulin had been there, he would certainly have understood why Gu Yuena made him leave so soon. 

"Grandfather, why did you let her go? She was already severely injured. I can certainly take her out if I were to go after her," said the white-attired youth a little eagerly. 

Qiangu Dongfeng frowned. "Zhangting, you're a man over thirty years old. Why are you still so short-tempered? Is the Holy Spirit Cult that easy to handle? How can you confirm that there are no other Holy Spirit Cult powerhouses nearby? The Holy Spirit Cult's grotesque abilities emerge from an endless stream. You might sink into one if you're not careful. A gentleman never stands under a dangerous wall. Who are you? Could it be that the only thing you're capable of is fighting against these filthy people hiding in the shadows?"