The Dragon Core

It was not big, but it was the hub of all the golden light bands. Tang Wulin could see at a glance the hairline cracks on top of the crystal. These cracks were precisely his Golden Dragon King Seal!

It was clear as the day he first witnessed of the Golden Dragon King Seal in its true form. He could almost break the seal if only all those light bands were charging at it.

Crystal core? Could it be that this was a bloodline core that was similar to a soul core? Was it formed from the condensation of his blood essence power?

Tang Wulin was in disbelief. Actually, he was not certain if his blood essence vortex could finally be condensed into a soul core.

Facts showed that there seemed to be a regular pattern in this world. He had succeeded in condensing his blood essence power. All the pain in the world did not bother Tang Wulin in the slightest at this moment because the formation of this core had elevated his condition to a whole new level.