Even If It's Just For A Day

"What else did she say? Tell me quickly!" The Boundless Sea Douluo shook Tang Wulin's shoulders forcefully. 

Tang Wulin spoke, "Elder Long said that she would never see you again unless Shrek is rebuilt."

"Shrek is rebuilt?" 

The violent rage Tang Wulin had predicted did l not appear. On the contrary, it seemed like the Boundless Sea Douluo was a little confused. Chen Xinjie loosened his grip on Tang Wulin and the expression on his face was filled with bitterness. 

"Rebuild Shrek? Easier said than done. I'm willing to help you, but why can't we be together? Why can't we work hand in hand to accomplish that? Our lives are already growing shorter and shorter. Why aren't you willing to let me spend a little time with you?" 

At this very moment, Tang Wulin could clearly sense dreariness from this man's body.