The Dou Spirit Palace

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, I'm alright. We'll start with the current mission right away."

The Holy Spirit Douluo said no more. Tang Wulin regained his blank gaze. When the others saw the blazing flames of fighting spirit reignited within his eyes, they could not help but sigh with relief.

The palace of the Dou Spirit Empire.

Xue Yuntian frowned when he read the report in his hands. As the emperor, he did not have it easy. The Dou Spirit Empire was founded before the Star Luo Empire. It was also the first empire to have established itself on a continent.

During the first thousand years, the empire focused its energy on increasing its population. Back then, those who were able to make their way to this continent numbered no more than three thousand. It was difficult for the empire to sustain itself for generations with these numbers.