Discussion With The Emperor

Tang Wulin was still a young man, just over twenty years of age, in spite of the potential he had. His capability might belie his age. Could he handle the immense stress of managing the entire Tang Sect based on his experience?

Only the two Hall Masters of Tang Sect's Douluo Hall had the answer. Tang Wulin had been chosen as the Sect Master to represent the Tang Sect in negotiating with the Star Luo Empire and the Dou Spirit Empire. It was undoubtedly the most important event for the Tang Sect in recent years. It was evident of the trust the Tang Sect's high-ranking officials had in this young man. 

Tang Wulin was unaware that the Amorous Douluo had witnessed the scene whereby he was chosen by the plane. Destiny was on Tang Wulin's side. It was also the destiny of the entire planet.