
Long Yue was dressed in a gray tracksuit. His entire body was brimming with potency. A few years had passed but he had not changed much except for having a more stable temperament now. 

The Shrek Seven Monsters were familiar with Long Yue as he and Dai Yun'er had at one time visited Shrek Academy. Due to their past grievances, they rarely kept in touch except for the occasional encounter now and then. 

The person walking by Long Yue's side was not the Tiger King Dai Yueyan who was ranked second among the Eight Heavenly Kings but a woman of elegance. She was dressed in a tracksuit of the same design as Long Yue's. Her eyes brimmed with a radiating vigor while her hair was tied into a ponytail. Her gaze was filled with excitement. 

At present, the Shrek Six Monsters were already on the competition stage. When the woman saw them, she leaped up instantly and mounted the competition stage. She then dashed over in a few quick strides.