Indefinite Blue Emperor

"Cough cough. I think we should just enjoy our drinks." Xie Xie coughed once but the smile on his face betrayed him. Did he not have even the slightest intention to apologize?

Two bright spotlights beamed down on both sides of the coliseum, each making a circle of light ten meters in diameter on the ground. With a deep clanging sound, both mechas walked out from their respective resting lounges, revealing themselves under the glare of the spotlights. 

Huang Zhengyang's mecha was green-black in color, not just pure black. The mecha had a streamlined design and overlapping armor but did not appear to be cumbersome at all. The entire mecha was about seven meters tall with its upper body slightly bent forward. Its legs were thick and short while its upper body was a little longer. Its back was arched forward ever so subtly and it appeared to be a little hunched.