The Terrifying Thunderclap Nether Vine

With a sway of its body, the Damask Tulip appeared. It had already taken its human form as it turned around and gave a slight nod to Tang Wulin. 

The Damask Tulip was different from Goldsong. He had been a beast with exceedingly high intelligence. The level of mutual empathy between Tang Wulin and the Damask Tulip far exceeded what he had with Goldsong. Goldsong followed Tang Wulin's orders without question, but the Damask Tulip had a mind of his own, which allowed him to assist Tang Wulin in this case.

With a push from the Damask Tulip, the fifth green-gold soul ring on Tang Wulin's body suddenly glowed brightly. 

The green-gold light spread outward and transformed into a gigantic halo. Its appearance startled everyone in the crowd with the speed of its growth. It vanished without a trace after only a few moments as if it had seeped into the coliseum.