The Path To Godhood

Tang Wulin said, "Mother, what should we do now? There's the Underworld King Douluo in Star Luo Empire. When the war begins, will…"

Yali waved her hand. "I have a rather good understanding of Underworld King Douluo. He is not that interested in killing people unless it is for cultivation purposes. Moreover, it's utterly meaningless for him to kill ordinary people at his current rank. He is not bothered about this and he won't participate in the war either. I believe that even the Holy Spirit Cult can't possibly control a powerhouse of his rank but their relationship is merely collaborative. He made a move today mainly because of you. Your appearance and advancing momentum can possibly disrupt his ascension to a true god in the future, that is why he made a move on someone from a junior generation like you. Otherwise, for someone as proud as him, he surely would have waited until you had grown."