Star Luo Operation Commands

In the deep sea, the people waiting anxiously had finally welcomed their mainstay. Yuanen Yehui was greatly relieved upon seeing Xie Xie following behind Tang Wulin and return to the inside of the submarine through the submarine's specialized equipment.

"Sect Master, have you discovered a suitable explosion point?" The captain was relieved as well upon seeing Tang Wulin. A person that could survive this deep in the sea at tremendous water pressure was already inhuman. Had it not been for Tang Wulin's genuine act of being almost invincible in the Battle of Five Gods that left behind an overly profound impression in his mind, he would not have had the audacity to send the sect master out to take such a risk.

"There's no need for that now. In my opinion, the federal fleet won't be attacking the Star Luo Empire for the next four or five days. We've already strived adequate time for them." Xie Xie laughed aloud.

"What happened?" The captain was a little stunned.