Shrek! Shrek!

His voice could not be considered loud but every single person sitting inside the car could hear him clearly. Not only that, the voice was echoing in diameter of a thousand kilometers with Sea God Lake as its center.

Intense incandescent brilliance was being emitted from the spear in the white-robed youth's hand. The spear tip swept across the sky to illuminate the entire sky. It was even more shocking that the sun seemed to have dimmed as soon as the spear tip rose into the sky. The destructive aura on the Sea God Lake was suppressed in an obvious manner.

In the next moment, white radiance flashed and shot towards the west shore of the Sea God Lake. They could only hear a hill-toppling and earth-shaking booming noise. The land cracked open and a gigantic deep hole appeared in that direction.

From Yaping's direction, there was no way they could see the situation on the west shore, yet the sound echoed in their ears and could not subside for a long time.