Sea God Nine Trials, First Trial

"What? Tang Wulin disappeared?"

The Holy Spirit Douluo's warm, ever-present smile vanished in that instant. Her aura trembled unstably. "Tell me in detail."

Ye Xinglan recounted their experience in the Great Star Dou Forest concisely.

"The Beast God Di Tian?" Even though she was a Limit Douluo, when Yali heard this name, her heart trembled.

This secret had been kept by the Spirit Pagoda for far too long.

The Beast God Di Tian was still alive?

It was not that nobody had entered the Great Star Dou Forest's central region, but those that did never made it back out. The Pagoda Masters of the Spirit Pagoda were the only ones who knew the truth about the Beast God Di Tian's existence.