Gu Yuena’s Lightning Triangular Shift

Tang Wulin said, "Theoretically, it should be doable, but the operating speed must be quick. Moreover, the lightning outburst must be controlled properly and the mecha must be sufficiently durable. Otherwise, the technique can't be completed."

The panel judge nodded. "I think so too. However, your shifting maneuver was incredible. You've made a breakthrough in the movements of high-ranking mechas! I'm truly honored to have witnessed this today. If possible, may I please contact you later so you can demonstrate it for us again with the mecha provided by our Mecha Master's Association?"

Tang Wulin considered and said, "We can discuss further after the Joust For A Spouse Festival is over. I can't promise you anything yet."

Sounding a little disappointed, the panel judge replied, "Then, I shall contact you by that point for sure. May I please inquire if you have named that shifting maneuver of yours earlier?"