Should All Soul Beasts Be Killed?

After scaring the Dark Night Fire Monkeys away, Tang Wulin displayed a faint smile. This was more like the Great Star Dou Forest! There were soul beasts everywhere. The Great Star Dou Forest was filled with life.

If the place had been reconstructed faithfully following the actual Great Star Dou Forest, he should be in the outer regions based on his current situation. The Green Jade Bird was a thousand-year soul beast and the pack of Dark Night Fire Monkeys just now should have been hundred-year soul beasts. Maybe there were thousand-year beasts among them as well. However, they were not much of a threat to him.

He decided to treat this as a holiday trip.

Tang Wulin did not intentionally fix a direction. He continued on along an arbitrary bearing. At the moment, he heard a roar. It did not come from a soul beast. It was a human's roar.