Complete Gu Yuena Lightning Triangular Maneuver

Li Zheping nodded. "If that saves you time then it's fine as well. Otherwise, we would have had to compare your mecha's parameters after the test. We've already keyed in our mechas' parameters. Your Excellency Yu Longyue, I welcome you on behalf of the Mecha Master's Association. The deputy president was in charge of this and should have been here as well, but he has some urgent matters to attend. He's a busy person. Our president is also tied up with regular meetings in the parliament and he couldn't clear his schedule. They very much wanted to meet a young talented person like you."

"The president especially reminded me to invite you to join our Mecha Master's Association. A powerful mecha master such as yourself is exactly what the Mecha Master's Association needs. May I know your thoughts on this?"

Tang Wulin glanced at him. "Invite me into the association? What's in it for me?"