The Summoning Door

There was a commotion in the audience as soon as they saw the eight soul rings. This made them anticipate the competition even more eagerly. Anyone would hope to witness the battle between two great powerhouses, especially an eight-ringed soul master challenging Tang Wulin!

Tang Wulin stood there, not going on the offensive immediately. He was not attacking, but the glow of lightning began to shimmer around his body. 

Ao Wuchang was overjoyed when he saw that Tang Wulin was not attempting to attack head-on. His martial soul's unique characteristic was that the longer he engaged in a battle, the more powerful his abilities would become. 

Radiance flickered from the first soul ring on his body, and a pitch black phantom door appeared on the spot where he was standing earlier. The phantom door gave out a deep roar, and a giant wolf as black as ink emerged from it out from the door.