The Pursuit Of Heavenly Refinement Is Perfection

"Hush, watch your words. This is the biggest secret so it's best that you be careful when you speak. The walls have ears," Gu Yuena reminded him hastily. 

Qiangu Zhangting laughed and spoke, "This is grandfather's office. There's no other place that has tighter security than this. No one will hear us, don't worry. Nana, I really do have to thank you for the Joust For A Spouse Festival and also all the minor details you arranged, but you insist on crediting me. This is…"

Gu Yuena smiled calmly. "I'm only a woman and womeb will always stand behind men. Could it be that your glory is not mine? You're destined to be the master of the Spirit Pagoda. Moreover, the Pagoda Master would never allow me to carry out so many experiments without you and we wouldn't have found the Ten Thousand Beast Platform. Thus, how is this not your enormous contribution, huh?"