Dragon Emperor Forbidden Law!

The roaring of a thousand beasts in the surroundings had obviously weakened. While on the other hand, the mist-formed giant beasts were dispersing and scattering upon landing on the golden mist despite having almost transformed into solid attacks.

There were tremors, resonance, dragon's roar and also the law that originated from Douluo Continent.

Tang Wulin's eyes turned unusually bright as golden scales covered his entire body. He suddenly shouted aloud, "Forbidden!"

The shout violently warped the entire surrounding space. A gigantic golden dragon's head spurted out from his body such that the cloud mist in the area thirty-meter in radius was instantaneously dispersed off to the surroundings with the tremor.

Li Weisi could only feel as if his head was spinning. He felt as if he was about to lose control of the crystal ball after hearing the shout.