She Likes You

It was apparent that the water bottle was not a disposable item. Tang Wulin passed the water bottle to Lan Fozi. She then looked toward the Holy Spirit Douluo standing by Tang Wulin and asked, "Who's she?"

Tang Wulin smiled. "She's my mother." He answered naturally which made Yali overjoyed to hear his response. She appeared as an old woman at present. Her face cracked into a smile which was filled with both mercy and kindness. 

Lan Fozi had a change of countenance. An envious look flashed past her eyes. She quickly changed her unfriendly attitude toward Tang Wulin and spoke to Yali respectfully, "Hello, auntie. I'm sorry for being impolite earlier."

Yali shook her head and said, "It's okay. You look like a nice girl. Why are you dressed as a man?"