Dragon King’s Request

The Light Dragon King heaved a sigh. "Of course, we can feel that. The small plane of the Dragon Clan's graveyard can only exist by depending on the main plane, so we can clearly sense the change on the main plane. Even though our Dragon Clan is not a race of powerful divine beasts anymore, there will still be a certain amount of Divine power from back in those days within us if we can be fully resurrected. We will be traversing space to look for a planet on a major plane that is suitable for our survival. We will be living and multiplying there, away from mankind."

His words brought relief to Tang Wulin. The Dragon Clan was so powerful. If they were truly resurrected on the Douluo Continent, it would probably start some troubles. Even if the Dragon Clan did not look upon humanity with hatred, they were still soul beasts in a sense. Could the humans refrain themselves from making a move on these creatures? Every piece of a dragon was highly sought-after by mankind!