Surprisingly, She Chose Her

As she spoke, she waved her right hand once. A stream of seven-colored radiance swept Tang Wulin out of the competition stage as if she was sweeping trash away. 

"You…" The six Shrek Monsters leaped up in succession and were about to dash onto the stage. However, figures emitting fierce auras descended from the sky at that exact moment, landing separately around the competition stage. They were of various ages and dressed in the Spirit Pagoda's uniforms. Every single one of them was emitting a rather powerful aura. 

The figure that had silver radiance all over his body landed next to Gu Yuena. Deep dragon's roars were heard echoing around his body. His hair was white as snow, but his face was youthful. His eyes turned incomparably deep as his gaze swept past the competition stage. He spoke indifferently, "In the Joust For A Spouse Festival, victory and defeat decided everything. Whoever dares to create trouble shall be slain without mercy!"