What Sort Of Girl Is She?

It was actually possible to kill him with those two attacks. If they had not been deadly, Qiangu Dieting and Qiangu Dongfeng would have been able to tell. In fact, even Elder Long and the others thought that Tang Wulin was severely injured, let alone everybody else. 

She was capable of controlling her strength to such a minute extent. Tang Wulin examined his conscience and acknowledged that he was unable to do that. This was a real disparity. Gu Yuena's spiritual cultivation base was definitely superior to his. In fact, she could possibly be far beyond him. 

She had always been improving herself too. Moreover, her abilities were far more powerful than he had imagined. Judging from the battle, Tang Wulin could almost confirm that Gu Yuena was on the same level as a powerhouse that had just reached Limit Douluo-rank. 

It had only been a few years! Her growth rate was very impressive. Frankly, Qiangu Zhangting was not even worthy of carrying Gu Yuena's shoes.