I Was Wrong

"B*st*rd, idiot, idiot!" Xiong Xiaoling called out aloud while tears streamed down her face.

Er Ming hid in the distance and watched everything.

The next day, Xiong Xiaoling left early in the morning with a simple bundle.

Er Ming watched her departing silhouette in a daze until he could no longer see her. Then, he began roaring in agony. He had truly fallen in love with her but little did he know that she would just leave as such.

He wildly dashed over and slapped the wooden house into fragments. He wiped away the words while moaning and roaring continuously. Finally, he leaped and went away into the distance for real this time.

The scene had finally completely ended at this point. On the other hand, Er Ming's silhouette shrank back to its original size as he transformed back into his human form. His eyes had reddened already.