The Destruction Storms

The silhouette had only flashed once gently before it skimmed across the sky at lightning speed. A stream of bicolored gold and silver light rays appeared. 

It was right in the center of the battle formation formed by the nine Great Demons, stretching across the tails of two of them. 

The nine Great Demons could feel as their energy began to drain. To their surprise, the unending stream of darkness energy suddenly came to a complete stop. 

It was at this moment that Yuanen Tiandang arrived.

He punched with both of his fists simultaneously while the ninth soul ring on his body glowed brightly!

It was the Titan Break Heaven Vault!

The thick yellow radiance turned translucent and transformed into two terrifying orbs of light. The razor-sharp orbs reached for the two Great Demons on both sides while blasting with incredible strength.