How Dare You Touch Me?

The more he said, the more he knew that his words were true. In reality, Qiangu Dongfeng was unaware that his grandson had not only yet to take her virginity, he had not even touched Gu Yuena's hand before. 

As Qiangu Zhangting was speaking, he was already reaching for Na'er's petite hand. His face looked a little flushed. 

Meanwhile, a purple glow suddenly appeared in Na'er's eyes. They were like two radiant violet vortexes as they spun.

Instantly, Qiangu Zhangting was frozen on the spot. His entire body was paralyzed as if he was struck by an immobilization spell. 

A murderous intent flashed through Gu Yuena's eyes. She had even raised her right hand. As soon as her slender hand was lowered, Qiangu Zhangting would be dismembered immediately.