Open Up A Small Plane

Yuanen Zhentian hastily returned the salute. "Don't mention it, Elder Long. You are senior to me. When I had just made my debut, you were already walking tall on the continent."

Long Yeyue smiled at him. "It's Shrek's honor to have the great Titan Giant Ape Clan's support. We shall not stand on ceremony then. Zhangkong, please host this while the rest of us will work alongside you."

Wu Zhangkong answered. "Yes. Your Excellencies, please follow me." He took the lead and leaped into the air. His body swayed once as he arrived in the air above the Sea God Lake and flew toward the west side.

Tang Wulin and the six great Limit Douluos also leaped into the sky and closely followed behind Wu Zhangkong as they flew towards the west side of Sea God Lake at high speed.