Do Not Violate Shrek’s Airspace

"Oh, alright then. But what is that door there?" The father had a suspicious look on his face as he led his son to the glowing door. For some reason, it felt as if there was a kind of force attracting them to the doorway. He could not keep himself from taking a step forward into it. When they walked in, they disappeared in an instant. 

A skinny youth standing by the side of the chubby one explained to the reporters, "There's no need to panic. The students that are found to be blessed with unique natural talents will need to register over there. It is a location that is similar to our Ten Thousand Beast Platform. There is no need for anyone to worry at all. Alright, let's continue. Next please."

There were many queueing up for registration. Spirit Academy was established by the Spirit Pagoda after all. The people there trusted them fully. 

The registration process continued. Everything appeared to be in good order.