The First Battle

Qiangu Dongfeng smiled and said with complete confidence, "Why don't we do this? It's fine to battle for five rounds of one-on-one then we add on another round of seven-on-seven and also two rounds of two-on-two. The participants for one-on-one and two-on-two competitions can't be repeated. The winner of one-on-one and two-on-two will be awarded with one point each while seven-on-seven will be given three points. The side with the highest total score will be the final victor. If we are the victor, Shrek shall return the divine mecha and compensate for the loss. If we are the loser then all the past shall be forgotten. I have heard that the Shrek Seven Monsters are the most powerful fighting force in the history of Shrek for a long time. I wonder if all of you are daring enough to accept the challenge of two-on-two and seven-on-seven? Oh, and also, since all of you are representing Shrek, I think it would be best if the Tang Sect did not join in, yes?"