Witch Douluo Li Mengjie

As a result, he had always gone all out and put in more effort than anybody else. Every member of the Shrek Seven Monsters was quite outstanding. Everybody envied them because they had managed to elevate themselves to their realms at a very young age. That being the case, every single one of them had a backstory. Only they, themselves, were aware of how much effort and hard work they had put into their cultivation in order to achieve what they had. 

The bamboo steamer in the sky was both a coincidence and necessity. It was the product of Xu Lizhi's painstaking cultivation for so many years. He had always known that he was not a soul master with a talent for combat, so he would need to take a different path if he wanted to possess fighting abilities that surpassed others. 


An even louder booming noise echoed from the sky. The bamboo steamer's lid was lifted abruptly.