The Great Battle Against Purgatory Douluo

The shadow cast by Yun Ming had even fallen over the entire Spirit Pagoda. It was the weight of that shadow that finally led to the Spirit Pagoda's outburst. The Spirit Pagoda wanted to destroy Shrek completely even if it meant working together with other factions. 

'I will never allow this boy to become the next Atlas Douluo!'

The murderous intent in Qiangu Dongfeng's eyes was fully revealed. He was already planning on how to finish off Tang Wulin after defeating Shrek this time. 

The most terrifying thing about Tang Wulin was not his abilities, but his Divine Craftsman-ranked Heavenly Refinement. Going by his current rate, it would not take more than ten years for all elite warriors within Shrek Academy to be clad in four-word battle armor.