Tang San’s Opponents In The Battle of Gods!

It was hard to imagine the effects of a super divine weapon in the hands of a quasigod. In fact, one could even say that if he was capable of acquiring the super divine weapon and exercising full control over it, he could very possibly break through the suppression of the plane and become a true God. He could even create his own Divine Realm and not just a miniature plane. 

The Underworld King Douluo Ha Luosa did not expect that he would encounter such a situation on this mission. 

He began to feel manic after the moment of regret. The attraction of a super divine weapon was even greater than the affairs of the Holy Spirit Cult. This was because the possession of a super divine weapon would hand him all the control he needed, without having to rely on other people. 

If he could acquire such a weapon, everything would be possible.