Will We Win?

"Hmm." Su Mengjun nodded. The two great War Gods remained quiet on the river bank. They unleashed their spiritual power to sense the energy fluctuation coming from the distance.

On the other hand, the numerous War Gods from the War God Hall and the rest of the people from Shrek in the War God Battlefield were also watching the competition through the large screen at the moment.

There were only Strength God Body Douluo A Ruheng, Xie Xie, and Yue Zhengyu that remained here to watch the battle from Shrek's side in reality. Xu Lizhi and Ye Xinglan were left waiting upstairs.

Naturally, there were a few War Gods from the opposite side that joined them to watch the battle as well. At the moment, War God One Vast Sun Douluo had already become invigorated after recuperating for a while. However, he was still looking at Body Douluo A Ruheng with a strange gaze.