Demon Dragon’s Instant Kill

Like a beam of bright light, Tang Wulin landed on the ground and arrived at the Gale Saber Demon Sima Jinchi's side. They took one glance at each other, and Sima Jinchi said, "It's right in front of us. I think that it's still in a deep sleep. Let's see how I'm going to wake it."

As he was speaking, Sima Jinchi leaped up and flew to the top of a huge tree. He waved his hands and soul rings arose from underneath his feet. Surprisingly, all nine of his rings were black. However, it was even more ghastly that his black soul rings were quite different from ordinary ten-thousand-year soul rings. There was an additional layer of faint golden striations on the surface of his rings. 

This was not an ordinary trait for soul rings as it was due to Tang Wulin's nourishment. 

Yes, it was entirely due to Tang Wulin.