
When he saw Yuanen Yehui kill the aquatic soul beast with ease, he could not help drawing in a chilly breath out of fear. This seemed quite different from the data gathered about this girl's abilities!

Such formidable darkness power. Could it be that she was an evil soul master?

The purple-black hue in the river continued to spread out into the distance. Where it passed, the weaker soul beasts did stand a chance of fighting back as they were transformed into radiance before fading away. Some amphibious soul beasts hastily got out of the water. Some were feeling in a hurry, while others were charging at Yuanen Yehui. 

Meanwhile, an enormous pillar of water shot into the sky from the river in the distance, followed by the wave of a powerful aura. 

As the boundary river, there were quite a number of rather strong soul beasts in this river. The creature before their eyes was one of them.