Return To Original State

Everyone on the scene, regardless of rank, shook violently all over. Their spirits were severely assaulted. 

On the outside. 

The numerous War Gods of the War God Hall, A Ruheng, and the others watched the collision between the two persons on the huge screen. 

The battle between Tang Wulin and Guan Yue appeared simple. Almost every person on the scene were Title Douluos or had Title Douluo-ranked cultivation bases. How could they not feel the thrill of the fight?

A Ruheng's expression had turned solemn by now. The Skycrosser Douluo's cultivation base had exceeded his expectation by far. 

From his viewpoint, his junior brother disciple had grown to be a person capable of challenging the vast majority of Limit Douluos. Yet, Tang Wulin appeared to be so weak before Guan Yue. He was utterly incapable of gaining the slightest advantage.