Supernova Divine Light

The God Sword Douluo guarded the sky above the arena, so the Emperor Sword Douluo and Yuanen Yehui were on equal footing in a one-on-one battle. It was obvious immediately that the Emperor Sword Douluo was utterly incapable of suppressing Yuanen Yehui despite his cultivation base. It became a battle of strength between two well-matched opponents. 

Nan Gongyi took the dragon form and unleashed his third soul skill, the Dragon Travel Thousand Miles! His speed increased exponentially and resulted in a series of phantom shadows as he charged straight at Xu Xiaoyan. 

At the same time he was charging toward Xu Xiaoyan, his fourth soul ring shimmered. He threw a punch into the air as he unleashed his fourth soul skill, the Dragon Battle In Wilderness! It was an attack that was aimed at the defense tower.