Old Chen The Sweeper

"Did I say something wrong? You knew that it was that boy. Furthermore, you knew that he was the one that haunted my nightmares in the past too. Then, you purposely brought him to me. Are you supposed to do that to your blood sister?" At that point, Shen Xing was about to cry. 

Looking at her younger sister's reddened eyes, Shen Yue could not help feeling pity. She sighed softly. "Silly little girl, people from our clan are supposed to be able to endure more than average. Yes, I admit that I arranged all of it. In reality, Shrek and our clan have been working closely together for a long time. Or I should say, within the military, our clan has the closest relationship with Shrek. You don't know about this because you have yet to join the inner circle of our clan. Otherwise, why would I have been in the Northsea Army Corps back in those days? In reality, we have always been guarding the Demon Island for Shrek."