Overall Suppression

The Spirit Pagoda's defense was obviously enhanced as soon as the five great Limit Douluos made an appearance, especially in the presence of the quasi god Qiangu Dieting. All at once, the numerous powerhouses from the Spirit Pagoda flew out in succession including the Silver Dragon Douluo Gu Yuena, Qiangu Zhangting, and the others. 

The powerhouses from Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect remained on the ground while those from the Spirit Pagoda were in the air. 

Their auras collided into one another and burst forth with countless radiances. 

The air began to warp such that the whole region turned into a grotesque but lustrous world. All sorts of light shadows produced from the Thought Concretization alternated at full speeds, as though they could destroy the world at any moment. 

In the distance, the major general who led the two mecha troops found out how insignificant he was for trying to stop these people earlier.