For The Federation!

Even though the mountains in the north were mostly barren, there were some coniferous forests. All the locations which had been invaded by those abyssal creatures were desolate after their departure. In fact, even the color of the ground turned a deadly gray. It seemed as if the insects and bugs living in the soil had been devoured by them. They did not leave behind the slightest trace of life force.

What a terrifying clan it was!

Tang Wulin subconsciously clenched his fists in rage. He could not allow such a clan to invade the continent. Otherwise, it would certainly end up as an apocalyptic catastrophe. 

"Regimental Commander Guo, pull yourself together. The Northern Army Corps needs your guidance," said Tang Wulin to Guo Zhenfeng softly. 

Guo Zhenfeng was a lieutenant general after all. He had already recovered after the momentary distraction. He stood upright abruptly and executed a military salute toward Tang Wulin and the four great Limit Douluos.