Modifying The Eternal Heaven

Ling Zichen shrugged and said, "There are other ways too. There's only one way that may reduce the destruction of our continent in a direct explosion. It's by tossing the Eternal Heaven into the depths of the abyssal passage and blasting their origin. This way, the explosion point won't be on our side, so it won't affect us obviously."

An idea came into Tang Wulin's mind. 'A direct explosion in the abyss? That's not impossible either. After all, the Blood God Army is still guarding the other passage.'

However, the idea only lasted a moment in his mind before he immediately rejected it. The reason was simple. Blasting the abyssal plane itself would not remove the threat from the Bloodriver Godkiller Great Array. Besides, they did not fully understand the actual situation in the abyssal plane. What would they do if the explosive force did not destroy the abyssal plane?