Bloodriver Moved

Soon after, the screen switched over to the scene at the common headquarters to reveal Yu Guanzhi's solemn face. 

"Level One Warning, prepare for battle. The Bloodriver Godkiller Great Array has moved. Prepare to engage the enemy!" As soon as those words were uttered, the people on the scene became anxious. Gu Yuena who had been in meditation earlier also stood up. Her eyes lit up with radiance. A gush of powerful aura burst forth from her body at that moment.

Qiangu Dongfeng stood up as well with squinted eyes. "Is it coming? I guess the Federation can't hesitate anymore. Generals, please remind our soldiers to be extra careful. It is said that the Eternal Heaven is unlike anything we've seen. Don't get too close to it. Otherwise, we may incur great losses if we are affected."

Dong Zian frowned deeply. "Noted."